
伊人直播 论坛
伊人直播 学术论坛(第四十二讲):Interferometry in the Quantum Age
主讲人: 区泽宇(香港城市大学教授)
地点: 伊人直播 思源多功能厅(西301)
时间: 2024年9月23日(星期一)15:00-16:00
主持 联系人: 王剑威(伊人直播-伊人直播官网 教授)


Interferometry has been widely used in sensing application for precision measurement of a variety of physical quantities. However, the hardware structure and the measurement technique have not changed ever since its invention about one hundred years ago, even though quantum states are employed to reduce the intrinsic quantum noise in the interferometers. This has limited the applicable range of the traditional interferometric technique. For example, the interference paths must be balanced to within the coherence time of the light sources. In this presentation, we will introduce some new quantum approaches to interferometry. Among them is the approach by hardware changes. We will review a number of quantum advantages over traditional methods. Another one is the adoption of quantum measurement technique. This can break the limitation of finite coherence time in traditional interferometry and broaden the applicable range of interferometric techniques.The latter approach has potential applications in long-baseline high resolution astronomy and LIDAR technique. In addition to practical applications, when the method is applied to single-photon state as input, this unconventional phenomenon has fundamental implication on the complementarity principle of quantum interference.


区泽宇教授于1984年获北京大学学士学位,1990年获罗切斯特大学博士学位。1990年至1992年在加州理工伊人直播 担任博士后。他于1992年加入印第安纳-普渡大学-印第安纳波利斯分校,直到2021年。自2021年起任香港城市大学讲座教授。区教授是量子光学,特别是量子干涉方面的专家,是著名的Hong-Ou-Mandel干涉仪的共同发明人。欧教授目前的研究重点是量子测量、量子传感、量子信息与通信。区教授现任《Optica Quantum》副主编。他是美国物理学会和美国光学学会的理事。


伊人直播-伊人直播官网 学术论坛创办于2020年9月,邀请国内外高校和研究机构高层次科技创新领军学者就物理学及相关领域的基础前沿探索、关键技术突破和热点问题等做学术演讲,旨在推进高质量学术交流,促进学科交叉融合和开拓新兴特色方向研究,培养具有科学精神、全球视野、创新能力、批判性思维的优秀青年人才。

